Sunday, 12 May 2013
HPC-UK Bitesize (Fat Loss): Persistence is Futile
After weight loss, total energy expenditure—in particular, energy expenditure at low levels of physical activity—is disproportionately lower than predicted by actual changes in body weight and composition. This is known as adaptive thermogenesis.* A key issue is whether this reduction, which predisposes towards weight regain, persists over time.
The increasing prevalence of obesity and its co-morbidities reflects the interaction of genes that favour the storage of excess energy as fat with an environment that provides ad libitum availability of energy-dense foods and encourages an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Although weight reduction performed in the typical manner (Calorie restriction) is difficult in and of itself, anyone who has ever lost weight will confirm that it is much harder to keep the weight off once it has been lost.
The over 80% (thought to be closer to 95-98%) recidivism rate to pre-weight loss levels of body fatness after otherwise ‘successful’ weight loss is due to the coordinate actions of metabolic, behavioural, neuro-endocrine and autonomic responses designed to maintain body energy stores (fat) at a central nervous system-defined 'ideal'. This adaptive thermogenesis creates the ideal situation for weight regain and is evident in both lean and obese individuals attempting to sustain reduced body weights. The multiple systems regulating energy stores and opposing the maintenance of a reduced body weight illustrate that body energy stores in general and obesity in particular are actively 'defended' by interlocking bio-energetic and neurobiological physiologies.
A recent study aimed to investigate whether adaptive thermogenesis is sustained during weight maintenance after weight loss.
The study was performed using 22 men and 69 women (average age of 40 with a body mass index of 31.9) who followed a very-low-energy diet for 8 weeks, followed by a 44-week period of weight maintenance. The subjects were assessed for body-composition and metabolic rate. Measurements took place before the diet and at 8, 20, and 52 weeks after the start of the diet.
The results demonstrated a reduction in metabolic rate at the end of the dieting period (week 8 ) and this decrease was sustained after 20 weeks and 52 weeks.
The authors concluded that weight loss results in adaptive thermogenesis, and there is no indication for a change in adaptive thermogenesis up to 1 year, when weight loss is maintained.
Stefan GJA Camps, Sanne PM Verhoef, and Klaas R Westerterp. Weight loss, weight maintenance, and adaptive thermogenesis. Am J Clin Nutr May 2013 97: 990-994.
HPC-UK Bitesize (Health): Air Pollution Increases Risk of Insulin Resistance in Children
New research shows that growing up in areas where air pollution is increased raises the risk of insulin resistance (the precursor to type ii diabetes) in children.
Previous studies have identified links between air pollution and other chronic conditions such as cardiovascular and respiratory disease. However to date, epidemiological studies that have examined associations between long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and type ii diabetes in adults have been inconsistent, and studies on insulin resistance in children are sparse. Thus this new study sought to explore the possible association between air pollution and insulin resistance in children.
Even though toxicity differs between air pollutants, they are all considered potent oxidisers that act either directly on lipids and proteins or indirectly through the activation of intracellular oxidant pathways. Oxidative stress caused by exposure to air pollutants may therefore play a role in the development of insulin resistance. In addition, some studies have reported that short-term and long-term increases in particulate matter and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) exposure lead to elevated inflammatory biomarkers, another potential mechanism for insulin resistance.
In this new study, fasting blood samples were collected from 397 10-year-old children as part of a larger birth cohort study. Individual-level exposures to traffic-related air pollutants at birth address were estimated by analysing emission from road traffic in the neighbourhood, population density and land use in the area, and the association between air pollution and insulin resistance was calculated using a model adjusted for several possible confounders including socioeconomic status of the family, birth-weight, pubertal status and BMI. Models were also further adjusted for second-hand smoke exposure at home.
The researchers found that in all crude and adjusted models, levels of insulin resistance were greater in children with higher exposure to air pollution. Insulin resistance increased by 17% for every 10.6 µg/m3 (2 standard deviations from the mean) increase in ambient nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and 19% for every 6 µg/m3 (2 SDs) increase in particulate matter of up to 10 μm in diameter. Proximity to the nearest major road increased insulin resistance by 7% per 500 metres. All the findings were statistically significant.
Insulin resistance levels tended to increase with increasing air pollution exposure, and this observation remained robust after adjustment for several confounding factors, including socioeconomic status, BMI and passive smoking.
E. Thiering & J. Cyrys & J. Kratzsch & C. Meisinger & B. Hoffmann & D. Berdel & A. von Berg & S. Koletzko & C.-P. Bauer & J. Heinrich. Long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and insulin resistance in children: results from the GINIplus and LISAplus birth cohorts. Diabetologia. DOI 10.1007/s00125-013-2925-x
HPC-UK Bitesize (Health): Deadly Insomnia
Having trouble falling or staying asleep? According to a new study led by a team of researchers at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, insomnia may be an important indicator of future hospitalisation among middle-aged and older adults. They examined the association between insomnia and use of home healthcare services, nursing homes and hospitalisation and found that insomnia symptoms experienced by middle-aged and older adults were associated with greater future use of costly health services.
The study used a large representative sample of US middle-aged and older adults, and found that individuals with a greater number of insomnia symptoms were more likely to be hospitalised, and to use home healthcare services. Over 40 percent of the sample reported at least one insomnia symptom, consistent with previous studies that showed insomnia to be very common in this population. The authors suggest that if the association between insomnia symptoms and health service utilisation is causal, the findings would suggest that the prevention of insomnia could decrease health service use by 6-14 percent in this population.
According to the National Institutes of Health, insomnia is the most common sleep complaint at any age and affects almost half of adults ages 60 and older. Insomnia symptoms include difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or both, and individuals with insomnia often report getting too little sleep, having poor sleep quality and not feeling refreshed when they wake up.
Lead author of the study, Christopher Kaufmann, MHS, and his colleagues examined the association between insomnia symptoms and reports of health service utilisation using data from the Health and Retirement Study. Participants were asked how often they experienced trouble falling asleep; trouble with waking up during the night; trouble with waking up too early and not being able to fall asleep again, and how often they felt rested when they woke up. The researchers evaluated health care utilisation in 2006 and respondents were asked questions about their use of several health services two years later, including whether they were hospitalised, used home health care services, or were placed in a nursing home. Participants' demographic characteristics as well as current or previous medical conditions were also recorded. The researchers found that there was a statistically significant relationship between the report of insomnia symptoms and the future use of costly health services. A relationship was even found between insomnia symptoms and hospitalisation as well as use of any of the three health services after accounting for common medical conditions and elevated depressive symptoms.
The results suggest that treating and carefully monitoring insomnia symptoms in middle-aged and older adults might somewhat reduce the use of health services and presumably the poor health outcomes that necessitate these services.
Kaufmann. C N et al. Insomnia and Health Services Utilisation in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Results From the Health and Retirement Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci (2013) doi: 10.1093/gerona/glt050
Saturday, 4 May 2013
HPC-UK Bitesize (Fat Loss): Dieters Show Greater Brain Reward Activity in Response to Food
Despite the huge knowledge explosion we have had in the physiology
world in the last decade, especially since the human genome project
produced the genomic map, the mainstream ‘weight loss’ industry still
haven’t really changed their mantra of ‘Eat less’. I’ve shown previously
multiple ways why this doesn’t work as
advertised, in terms of actual fat lost (there is some temporary loss of
the fat droplet inside the fat cell, but plenty of muscle and
unfortunately for women bone loss too), nor does it cause a permanent
change to your physiology, especially the functioning of the fat cell
itself, so that you are able to maintain a lower fat body. Even if it
did work, a recent study has shown one of the mechanisms that makes it
difficult to achieve long term.
Oregon Research Institute (ORI) senior scientist Eric Stice, Ph.D., and colleagues provide results in a recent issue of NeuroImage that further our understanding of how and why most weight loss diets fail and provide a description of the impact of caloric restriction.
The study suggests that restricting food intake increases the reward value of food, particularly high-calorie, appetizing food, and that the more successful people are at caloric-restriction dieting, the greater difficulty they will face in maintaining the restriction. Additionally, abstaining from food intake for longer durations of time also increases the reward value of food, which may lead to poor food choices when the individual eventually does eat.
The data suggests that elective caloric restriction increases the degree to which brain regions implicated in reward valuation and attention are activated by exposure to palatable foods.
Participants in the study were split into two groups (Study 1 n=34; Study 2 n=51) who voluntarily restricted their caloric intake so as to approximate what occurs with real-world dieters. Using brain imaging the research team examined the responsivity of the subject’s attention and reward regions of the brain to the individual's exposure to and imagined intake of palatable foods, unpalatable foods, and glasses of water shown in pictures. By including both pictures of palatable and unpalatable foods, the team was able to determine whether degree of "self-imposed" caloric deprivation correlated with hyper-responsivity of attention and reward regions for palatable versus unpalatable foods.
The team also measured the subject’s neural responses to consumption and anticipated consumption of a chocolate milkshake and a calorie-free tasteless solution. The lead researcher Dr. Stice examined whether the number of hours since last caloric intake (which varied from 3 to 22 hours) correlated with neural activation in response to receipt and anticipated receipt of a palatable food. They also tested whether the subject’s who were in a negative energy balance for a 2-week period versus energy balance or a positive energy balance showed aberrant neural response to food stimuli.
The research team concluded that the implications of this imaging study suggest that if people want to lose excess weight, it would be more effective to consume healthy, lower energy dense foods during regular meals, rather than go for long periods of time without any caloric intake.
Eric Stice, Kyle Burger, Sonja Yokum. Caloric deprivation increases responsivity of attention and reward brain regions to intake, anticipated intake, and images of palatable foods. NeuroImage, 2013; 67: 322 DOI: 10.1016/ j.neuroimage.2012.11.028
Oregon Research Institute (ORI) senior scientist Eric Stice, Ph.D., and colleagues provide results in a recent issue of NeuroImage that further our understanding of how and why most weight loss diets fail and provide a description of the impact of caloric restriction.
The study suggests that restricting food intake increases the reward value of food, particularly high-calorie, appetizing food, and that the more successful people are at caloric-restriction dieting, the greater difficulty they will face in maintaining the restriction. Additionally, abstaining from food intake for longer durations of time also increases the reward value of food, which may lead to poor food choices when the individual eventually does eat.
The data suggests that elective caloric restriction increases the degree to which brain regions implicated in reward valuation and attention are activated by exposure to palatable foods.
Participants in the study were split into two groups (Study 1 n=34; Study 2 n=51) who voluntarily restricted their caloric intake so as to approximate what occurs with real-world dieters. Using brain imaging the research team examined the responsivity of the subject’s attention and reward regions of the brain to the individual's exposure to and imagined intake of palatable foods, unpalatable foods, and glasses of water shown in pictures. By including both pictures of palatable and unpalatable foods, the team was able to determine whether degree of "self-imposed" caloric deprivation correlated with hyper-responsivity of attention and reward regions for palatable versus unpalatable foods.
The team also measured the subject’s neural responses to consumption and anticipated consumption of a chocolate milkshake and a calorie-free tasteless solution. The lead researcher Dr. Stice examined whether the number of hours since last caloric intake (which varied from 3 to 22 hours) correlated with neural activation in response to receipt and anticipated receipt of a palatable food. They also tested whether the subject’s who were in a negative energy balance for a 2-week period versus energy balance or a positive energy balance showed aberrant neural response to food stimuli.
The research team concluded that the implications of this imaging study suggest that if people want to lose excess weight, it would be more effective to consume healthy, lower energy dense foods during regular meals, rather than go for long periods of time without any caloric intake.
Eric Stice, Kyle Burger, Sonja Yokum. Caloric deprivation increases responsivity of attention and reward brain regions to intake, anticipated intake, and images of palatable foods. NeuroImage, 2013; 67: 322 DOI: 10.1016/
HPC-UK Bitesize (Health): Age is Definitely a State of Mind
Ageing is a result of gradual and overall functional deteriorations
across the body. We have an idea about many of the processes involved,
however a recent study has postulated that a specific part of the brain
is central to the rate at which ageing occurs throughout the body.
This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has done the HPC-UK Lean for Life program, as we discover throughout that the brain is the key player in pretty much everything. This piece of research also wasn’t a surprise to me, as I had learned this specific pathway of ageing described in the study almost a decade ago.*
The part of the brain in question is the hypothalamus, an almond-sized structure located deep within the brain, which is known to have fundamental roles in growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism. The lead researcher on the study, Dr. Cai, suspected that the hypothalamus might also play a key role in ageing through the influence it exerts throughout the body.
As people age inflammation gradually increases in various tissues. We know that inflammation is involved in various age-related diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease and many types of cancer. Over the past several years, Dr. Cai and his research colleagues showed that inflammatory changes in the hypothalamus can give rise to various components of metabolic syndrome (a combination of health problems that can lead to, amongst a growing list, heart disease and diabetes).
To find out how the hypothalamus might affect ageing, Dr. Cai decided to study hypothalamic inflammation by focusing on a protein complex called NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells). Inflammation involves hundreds of molecules, but NF-κB is a key regulator of the cascade.
In the current study, Dr. Cai and his team demonstrated that activating the NF-κB pathway in the hypothalamus of mice significantly accelerated the development of aging, as shown by various physiological, cognitive, and behavioral tests. This resulted in the mice showing a decrease in muscle strength and size, in skin thickness, and in their ability to learn -- all indicators of ageing. Activating this pathway promoted systemic ageing that shortened the lifespan.
Conversely, Dr. Cai and his group found that blocking the NF-κB pathway in the hypothalamus of mouse brains slowed ageing and increased average longevity by about 20 percent, compared to controls.
The researchers also found that activating the NF-κB pathway in the hypothalamus caused declines in levels of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is synthesized in the hypothalamus. Release of GnRH into the blood is usually associated with reproduction. Suspecting that reduced release of GnRH from the brain might contribute to whole-body aging, the researchers increased levels of the hormone in the hypothalamic ventricle of aged mice and discovered that the hormone protected them from the impaired neurogenesis (the creation of new neurons in the brain) associated with ageing. The aged mice who received the daily GnRH augmentation for a prolonged period demonstrated benefits that included the slowing of age-related cognitive decline, probably via the result of neurogenesis.
Guo Zhang, Juxue Li, Sudarshana Purkayastha, Yizhe Tang, Hai Zhang, Ye Yin, Bo Li, Gang Liu, Dongsheng Cai. Hypothalamic programming of systemic ageing involving IKK-β, NF-κB and GnRH. Nature, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/nature12143
*Many of the programs offered by HPC-UK cover this process, especially the specific Anti-Ageing and Brain programs
This shouldn’t surprise anyone who has done the HPC-UK Lean for Life program, as we discover throughout that the brain is the key player in pretty much everything. This piece of research also wasn’t a surprise to me, as I had learned this specific pathway of ageing described in the study almost a decade ago.*
The part of the brain in question is the hypothalamus, an almond-sized structure located deep within the brain, which is known to have fundamental roles in growth, development, reproduction, and metabolism. The lead researcher on the study, Dr. Cai, suspected that the hypothalamus might also play a key role in ageing through the influence it exerts throughout the body.
As people age inflammation gradually increases in various tissues. We know that inflammation is involved in various age-related diseases, such as metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease, neurological disease and many types of cancer. Over the past several years, Dr. Cai and his research colleagues showed that inflammatory changes in the hypothalamus can give rise to various components of metabolic syndrome (a combination of health problems that can lead to, amongst a growing list, heart disease and diabetes).
To find out how the hypothalamus might affect ageing, Dr. Cai decided to study hypothalamic inflammation by focusing on a protein complex called NF-κB (nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer
In the current study, Dr. Cai and his team demonstrated that activating the NF-κB pathway in the hypothalamus of mice significantly accelerated the development of aging, as shown by various physiological, cognitive, and behavioral tests. This resulted in the mice showing a decrease in muscle strength and size, in skin thickness, and in their ability to learn -- all indicators of ageing. Activating this pathway promoted systemic ageing that shortened the lifespan.
Conversely, Dr. Cai and his group found that blocking the NF-κB pathway in the hypothalamus of mouse brains slowed ageing and increased average longevity by about 20 percent, compared to controls.
The researchers also found that activating the NF-κB pathway in the hypothalamus caused declines in levels of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is synthesized in the hypothalamus. Release of GnRH into the blood is usually associated with reproduction. Suspecting that reduced release of GnRH from the brain might contribute to whole-body aging, the researchers increased levels of the hormone in the hypothalamic ventricle of aged mice and discovered that the hormone protected them from the impaired neurogenesis (the creation of new neurons in the brain) associated with ageing. The aged mice who received the daily GnRH augmentation for a prolonged period demonstrated benefits that included the slowing of age-related cognitive decline, probably via the result of neurogenesis.
Guo Zhang, Juxue Li, Sudarshana Purkayastha, Yizhe Tang, Hai Zhang, Ye Yin, Bo Li, Gang Liu, Dongsheng Cai. Hypothalamic programming of systemic ageing involving IKK-β, NF-κB and GnRH. Nature, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/nature12143
*Many of the programs offered by HPC-UK cover this process, especially the specific Anti-Ageing and Brain programs
Evolutionary Fitness ~ Addendum
In the previous article in this series we saw that our evolution as
modern humans was hinged upon a particular adaptation, which was the
development of our extraordinarily large bums. This enabled us (or
rather our ancestors) to become the only species capable of true upright
posture and bi-pedalism which at moderate speeds of locomotion only
cost ¼ of the energy as quadrupedalism.
This adaptation plus a few other benefits of upright posture led us
along the path towards our development of larger brains and with it, the
brains particular requisite needs and amazing abilities. We also saw
that, at the time the most efficient method of providing the nutrient
and energy dense food for our growing brains was through the consumption
of animal tissues which required the use of hunting; particularly the
persistence hunting that requires phenomenal endurance.
However, this is one tiny snippet of our ancestral past that largely dictates our physiology today. If you read that piece and began to realise the gulf between many of our lives today and the physical environmental stress of our forebears, then bear with me as we explore the rabbit hole a little deeper.
I’m sure you can appreciate that our evolution occurred over a fairly expansive period of time in which the environment that our ancestors lived changed considerably, both from the natural change in the landscape and climatic conditions, but also due to the migration necessitated for survival. So please appreciate that there is no single specific activity or type of diet to which our ancestors would have been exposed; it would’ve been a variable environment to which our ability to adapt was our saving grace, but there are some generalisations we can infer from the evidence.
Let’s look at the physical activities in which our ancestors had to engage to survive. We have already seen that persistence hunting required travelling distances of up to 20km per day in order to cause the heat load and exhaustion of the prey which made it easier to kill. This was mainly performed by males; the females however were not simply maxing and relaxing back at the shelter waiting for the male to return with sustenance. They were involved in very vigorous activity, arguably more vigorous than the males.
From the available evidence it is proposed that compared to the average distance travelled by males (15-20km) per day during hunting expeditions, females often covered 45-60% of the distance (9km). As you may have surmised already we still haven’t introduced the word gathering yet, and this is where the real action is at. The 9km covered mainly by females was not a contemplative stroll around the grounds before heading home for tea and scones. It was an extremely labour intensive essentiality that was a crucial source of nutrition that buffered the intermittent nature of the more nutrient dense animal food.
We will visit the food element of this arena in a later article, but for now we need to appreciate the physical effort needed to gather sufficient and appropriate non-animal foods was not akin to a day at a ‘pick your own’.
The principle non-animal foods were shoots, roots and leaves. The second non-animal item would’ve been nuts and to a much lesser extent, seeds, with fruit eaten seasonally. The roots, especially the root tubers, are the most annually available food as they are protected from the changes in above, or shallow, ground changes in environment, but this causes a problem for the gatherer. What problem? They are usually buried 5-6 feet deep in the ground. I don’t know about you, but in a previous life I worked in construction and digging holes 5-6 feet deep, even with modern tools, is tough going. To do this with either your hands or rudimentary tools would be an imposing task to put it mildly.
And you’d probably be engaging in the 9km digging-fest filled trek, with a minimum of 7kg in tow. Why this additional weight? It’s likely that you would be carrying a baby concomitantly, and also useful materials such as firewood with which to return to the shelter. While on the subject of returning with essential items, please bear in mind the males were not simply going for a walk/ run, wearing down the animal prey and killing them…job done; they also had to bring the animal back to the shelter and process the kill, both of which would’ve been fairly monumental tasks.
So both males and females would’ve been engaged in, on a daily basis some sort of lower (not low) intensity activity for fairly long durations and also fairly intense activities for slightly less duration, but still a prolonged period of time. This is in addition, as mentioned in the previous article, to the acts of shelter creation and maintenance, tool making, food preparation, climbing and periods of very high intensity physical activity such as evasion of predators aka running away…fast.
So, am I saying that we, as modern humans, need to be covering 9-20km per day, while resistance and/ or gymnastic training for multiple hours. Not at all. Our ancestors ‘had’ to engage in this level and type of physical activity for survival. We now have the ‘luxury’ of not even needing to have to move out of a 10m radius to exist, should we choose to go that route; our genome, however, doesn’t thrive in that condition. Our body does require a certain amount of stress in order to express the genes that create pretty optimal conditions for a healthy, high performance body and mind. But that doesn’t mean we have to engage in the exact type and amount of activity, nor as we shall see the exact food intake, of our ancestors. Both in physical activity and diet there is scope for a range of nuances, although there are fundamentals that do need to be acknowledged.
The key point addressed in the previous article, still remains true, our genome evolved in a very active environment, where nutrition was hard come by, and it still requires this stimulus today, except we continue to have to kowtow to our environment, albeit today not so much dictated by Nature, but certainly culturally. This cultural demand generally mandates that we are cooped up inside, sat at work stations for a minimum of 8 hours per day, with an additional 2 hours or so, spent in similar conditions commuting to and from our places of work. This leaves 4 hours per day maximum, outside of sleep, in order to do all of the other activities required in life which includes cooking meals and supporting our families; especially the very young and old members. This leaves very little time to fit in the significant amount of physical activity we have just covered.
So you can’t realistically replicate your ancestral past exactly, nor would you want to either. I’ve shown previously that our genome is so amazingly adaptive that if you begin to ‘up the ante’ for a short period, especially in the face of food restriction, our genome has no problem in accounting for this via a metabolic shift; it evolved to deal with this exact environment. If you set up this situation and then go back to your old lifestyle then this metabolic shift will bite you in the a*se. So be careful with the eat less/ exercise more concept, especially if it’s a self imposed temporary situation of increased activity combined with nutrient deprivation; you’ll probably end up achieving the opposite result of the one you nebulously set out to accomplish.
A better way to go about it is to determine the lowest amount of activity you can honestly sustain long term and then feed yourself sufficient high quality food so that you can perform this activity to a high level. I like this phrase to sum up the idea, and it’s a useful question to ask yourself daily ‘Have I taken my MED’s* today?’ This seemingly simple question will, if you do it, literally transform the lives of the majority of people. Will it create elite performers? Unlikely, that would take a little more of a precise approach, although surprisingly, not too much more. But for the greater part of the population a MED approach would result in a massive improvement in the health, performance and happiness of the nation. Make sure you get yours.
*Minimum Effective Dose (MED) required to produce a healthy body and mind.
However, this is one tiny snippet of our ancestral past that largely dictates our physiology today. If you read that piece and began to realise the gulf between many of our lives today and the physical environmental stress of our forebears, then bear with me as we explore the rabbit hole a little deeper.
I’m sure you can appreciate that our evolution occurred over a fairly expansive period of time in which the environment that our ancestors lived changed considerably, both from the natural change in the landscape and climatic conditions, but also due to the migration necessitated for survival. So please appreciate that there is no single specific activity or type of diet to which our ancestors would have been exposed; it would’ve been a variable environment to which our ability to adapt was our saving grace, but there are some generalisations we can infer from the evidence.
Let’s look at the physical activities in which our ancestors had to engage to survive. We have already seen that persistence hunting required travelling distances of up to 20km per day in order to cause the heat load and exhaustion of the prey which made it easier to kill. This was mainly performed by males; the females however were not simply maxing and relaxing back at the shelter waiting for the male to return with sustenance. They were involved in very vigorous activity, arguably more vigorous than the males.
From the available evidence it is proposed that compared to the average distance travelled by males (15-20km) per day during hunting expeditions, females often covered 45-60% of the distance (9km). As you may have surmised already we still haven’t introduced the word gathering yet, and this is where the real action is at. The 9km covered mainly by females was not a contemplative stroll around the grounds before heading home for tea and scones. It was an extremely labour intensive essentiality that was a crucial source of nutrition that buffered the intermittent nature of the more nutrient dense animal food.
We will visit the food element of this arena in a later article, but for now we need to appreciate the physical effort needed to gather sufficient and appropriate non-animal foods was not akin to a day at a ‘pick your own’.
The principle non-animal foods were shoots, roots and leaves. The second non-animal item would’ve been nuts and to a much lesser extent, seeds, with fruit eaten seasonally. The roots, especially the root tubers, are the most annually available food as they are protected from the changes in above, or shallow, ground changes in environment, but this causes a problem for the gatherer. What problem? They are usually buried 5-6 feet deep in the ground. I don’t know about you, but in a previous life I worked in construction and digging holes 5-6 feet deep, even with modern tools, is tough going. To do this with either your hands or rudimentary tools would be an imposing task to put it mildly.
And you’d probably be engaging in the 9km digging-fest filled trek, with a minimum of 7kg in tow. Why this additional weight? It’s likely that you would be carrying a baby concomitantly, and also useful materials such as firewood with which to return to the shelter. While on the subject of returning with essential items, please bear in mind the males were not simply going for a walk/ run, wearing down the animal prey and killing them…job done; they also had to bring the animal back to the shelter and process the kill, both of which would’ve been fairly monumental tasks.
So both males and females would’ve been engaged in, on a daily basis some sort of lower (not low) intensity activity for fairly long durations and also fairly intense activities for slightly less duration, but still a prolonged period of time. This is in addition, as mentioned in the previous article, to the acts of shelter creation and maintenance, tool making, food preparation, climbing and periods of very high intensity physical activity such as evasion of predators aka running away…fast.
So, am I saying that we, as modern humans, need to be covering 9-20km per day, while resistance and/ or gymnastic training for multiple hours. Not at all. Our ancestors ‘had’ to engage in this level and type of physical activity for survival. We now have the ‘luxury’ of not even needing to have to move out of a 10m radius to exist, should we choose to go that route; our genome, however, doesn’t thrive in that condition. Our body does require a certain amount of stress in order to express the genes that create pretty optimal conditions for a healthy, high performance body and mind. But that doesn’t mean we have to engage in the exact type and amount of activity, nor as we shall see the exact food intake, of our ancestors. Both in physical activity and diet there is scope for a range of nuances, although there are fundamentals that do need to be acknowledged.
The key point addressed in the previous article, still remains true, our genome evolved in a very active environment, where nutrition was hard come by, and it still requires this stimulus today, except we continue to have to kowtow to our environment, albeit today not so much dictated by Nature, but certainly culturally. This cultural demand generally mandates that we are cooped up inside, sat at work stations for a minimum of 8 hours per day, with an additional 2 hours or so, spent in similar conditions commuting to and from our places of work. This leaves 4 hours per day maximum, outside of sleep, in order to do all of the other activities required in life which includes cooking meals and supporting our families; especially the very young and old members. This leaves very little time to fit in the significant amount of physical activity we have just covered.
So you can’t realistically replicate your ancestral past exactly, nor would you want to either. I’ve shown previously that our genome is so amazingly adaptive that if you begin to ‘up the ante’ for a short period, especially in the face of food restriction, our genome has no problem in accounting for this via a metabolic shift; it evolved to deal with this exact environment. If you set up this situation and then go back to your old lifestyle then this metabolic shift will bite you in the a*se. So be careful with the eat less/ exercise more concept, especially if it’s a self imposed temporary situation of increased activity combined with nutrient deprivation; you’ll probably end up achieving the opposite result of the one you nebulously set out to accomplish.
A better way to go about it is to determine the lowest amount of activity you can honestly sustain long term and then feed yourself sufficient high quality food so that you can perform this activity to a high level. I like this phrase to sum up the idea, and it’s a useful question to ask yourself daily ‘Have I taken my MED’s* today?’ This seemingly simple question will, if you do it, literally transform the lives of the majority of people. Will it create elite performers? Unlikely, that would take a little more of a precise approach, although surprisingly, not too much more. But for the greater part of the population a MED approach would result in a massive improvement in the health, performance and happiness of the nation. Make sure you get yours.
*Minimum Effective Dose (MED) required to produce a healthy body and mind.
HPC-UK Bitesize (Health): Sleep Disturbance Alters Blood Sugar Regulation
Inadequate sleep (quality and quantity) increases the risk of metabolic
syndrome and obesity. A study performed at the University of Surrey
(UK) showed that mild sleep loss (1.5 hours less than usual) impaired
insulin sensitivity, increased bodyweight, and affected body-fat control
mechanisms by increasing leptin (a pivotal
hormone in the control of fat metabolism). In an optimally functioning
body the rise in leptin would be a beneficial result, however in light
of the other changes in physiology it’s actually the opposite. It would
take a fairly lengthy description of the biochemistry to explain it, so
just for now realise that leptin and insulin resistance is a fairly bad
The study compared the effects of normal versus mild sleep deprivation in young men for a three week period, demonstrating the rapidity of changes due to a seemingly innocuous loss.
Many people suffer from poor sleep via many various issues such as obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, inappropriate nutrition and physical environment and especially shift work. If you do suffer from poor sleep everything you do to optimise your health and fitness will likely come to nought unless you first address this basic need.
Robertson, MD et al. Effects of three weeks of mild sleep restriction implemented in the home environment on multiple metabolic and endocrine markers in healthy young men. Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental Volume 62, Issue 2, Pages 204-211, 2013.
The study compared the effects of normal versus mild sleep deprivation in young men for a three week period, demonstrating the rapidity of changes due to a seemingly innocuous loss.
Many people suffer from poor sleep via many various issues such as obstructive sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, inappropriate nutrition and physical environment and especially shift work. If you do suffer from poor sleep everything you do to optimise your health and fitness will likely come to nought unless you first address this basic need.
Robertson, MD et al. Effects of three weeks of mild sleep restriction implemented in the home environment on multiple metabolic and endocrine markers in healthy young men. Metabolism - Clinical and Experimental Volume 62, Issue 2, Pages 204-211, 2013.
HPC-UK Bitesize (Health): Missing the Punch Line
A recent study has underlined the principle of synergy that permeates physiology. Researchers at Cardiff University noted that after undergoing cosmetic surgery for reduction of wrinkles and lines associated with smiling and laughing, patients would have increased incidences of depression.
This is no surprise, as the body is a system that has multiple feedback loops and pathways that keep tight control over thousands of processes. Generally when we are exposed to a stimulus that initiates happiness or humorous feelings, our brain plays out a specific motor pattern to cause our facial muscles to express a smile, or with the inclusion of many more muscles in the body, laughter.
However, this isn’t the end of the cascade as most people often surmise. The action of smiling or laughing then feeds back into the brain to relay signals that we are performing these actions. The brain then releases specific patterns of neurotransmitters to create the actual feelings of happiness. By paralyzing the muscles using Botox, the patients who underwent the surgery have put a spanner in the works of the entire system; their brains no longer receive the signals from the muscles to complete the circuit, so the usual resultant feelings are not felt.
Many processes in the body are two-way doors and our emotions and the physical body are inextricably interlinked. I’m sure whenever you’ve felt positive emotions you probably would’ve expressed this in particular movement such as a little jig. But it also works the other way too, movement also creates emotion. You can read a bit more about how particular body positions can influence physiology here http://
The fastest way to change how you feel is to move in certain ways, remember ‘Motion Creates Emotion’.
Evolutionary Fitness
In the 2013 release of the Statistics on Obesity, Physical Activity and Diet (England), the key findings were that 65 percent of men and 58 percent of women in England were Overweight (with over a 1/3 of these men and nearly ½ of the these women classed as Obese). This has increased from the figures published in 1993 of 58 and 49 percent of men and women being Overweight, respectively. Although it doesn’t make great reading, if we include the Obesity figures, it’s even more telling. Between 1993 and 2011 the percentage of the population who are classed as Obese has risen from 13 to 24 percent in men and from 16 to 26 percent in women.
This situation is reflected in other measures of our health as a nation too. I covered the state of play as of 2007 in an article which you can find here: http://
As suggested in the previous pieces in this series, it is becoming increasingly obvious that our environment is at odds with our ancestral genome. The genes that make up our genome were ‘selected’ to be able, at a minimum, to allow us survive, but also thrive in a particular set of conditions. These conditions are the precise keys that fit the locks of our amazing, but woefully under-realised genomic potential.
One of the key features of our past was physical activity, and due to our unique ability to utilise true bipedal movement, this allowed us to develop in a seemingly very remarkable way; that development being the size of our brain.
We don’t know the precise details of how our evolution actually occurred, but from the limited fossil record that we do have we are able to approximate a very good working model. So far it seems that, sometime between 7-9 million years ago our common ancestor, an ape-like species called ‘Oreo’ (Oreopiticus Bambolii) was the first of our progenitors that was making the transition to upright posture. This was a pivotal moment in our evolution. By initiating this change in our anatomy Oreo and the descendents that followed which included ‘Ardi’ (Ardipithecus Ramidus ~ 4.4 million years), ‘Lucy’ (Australopithecus Afarensis ~ 3.2 million years) and another Australopithecus Afarensis called Kadanuumuu (‘Big Man’) who co-existed at the same time as ‘Lucy’, but had a more optimal structure for bipedal gait, set the scene for our already increased brain size to become larger…much larger.
The ability to stand upright gave us two huge advantages; it freed up our hands, which allowed us to utilise them for development of technology and to communicate more effectively, especially over distance and time. This further increased our already expanding brain capacity via an interplay between our emerging intelligence and the new found ability (thanks to our liberated hands) to harness extelligence. But that in itself is a whole other story, what we need to address here especially in regards to the benefits that bipedalism provided, is energetics.
To be able to grow and maintain such a large brain requires energy, a lot of energy. Although it is less than 2% of your entire weight, your brain uses 20% of all your energy. To feed this brain power, the human form has made some amazing adaptations, and it is these adaptations that we are neglecting in current society.
Humans are not unique in all ways among the apes, like us Chimpanzees will not only gladly eat meat, but will go hunting for it; with the usual target being monkeys, but they have been known to take down larger prey such as Gazelles too. However, to provide sufficient meat, which is much more efficient means of obtaining quality nutrition, for a family of energy hungry human brains, the occasional snared monkey will not cut it. However, this is where we ran into trouble, or rather ran out of it.
Compared to other animals, humans are relatively puny, we are slower, weaker, and less agile than the many quadrupeds. That’s okay you say, humans didn’t need to be physically dominant as we had weapons such as spears and bows and arrows. Well yes we did, but we didn’t have sharp stone tipped spears until about 300-400,000 years ago, and bows and arrows a good while later. Our ancestors were hunting a long time prior to this technological leap.
So how did we do it? Well Oreo set us on a path, from which we evolved a deciding specialism that enabled us to hunt down and kill even the largest and most powerful of game; that specialism was endurance. Whereas bipedalism reduced our ability to produce powerful agile movements, when applied to endurance, it is a boon. At faster speeds over shorter distances quadrupeds have a distinct physical advantage, so it’s unlikely we could catch our prey simply by outpacing them, and even if we did, unlike a chimpanzee who has the strength to body-slam a gazelle, humans simply don’t have the physical strength to over-come most larger animals. But if we pursue them for long enough our unusual anatomy comes to the rescue.
It’s hopefully apparent that when we move we generate heat as a by-product of metabolism. In order to regulate temperature many animals pant to dissipate the heat load, however at faster speeds they cannot do this as effectively, so need to take regular breaks in order to cool down. Humans have no need for this, as we radiate heat via our exposed bare skin and via sweating, so although we can’t quite keep pace when the animals are galloping we can force them to continue moving until they overheat and become exhausted, at which time we can kill them by stabbing them with sharp pointy sticks or clubbing them with blunt, heavy instruments.
In addition to thermoregulation, bipedalism is a surprisingly efficient means of locomotion. At lower speeds our legs act as a pendulum which costs approximately a ¼ of the energy of quadrupedalism, but it’s when we pick up the pace just a touch that our ace card becomes apparent. At speeds above walking pace our legs act similar to springs. Each step forward stores elastic strain energy which is returned with remarkable efficiency upon toeing off, so much so that although we are moving at speeds approximately double that of walking, the energy cost is roughly the same. At higher speeds when we transition into sprinting once again the quadrupeds have the advantage, but for the needs of persistence hunting where humans pursue larger game in the hottest part of the day at speeds of 4-6 mph for 3-5 hours, we have the upper hand.
This is just one example of our evolutionary past in which our genome was set. The genome still to this day requires these same environmental demands in order to express itself optimally. In the next part we’ll take a look at the types of demanding activities in which we evolved to meet, but just for this introduction I wanted you to begin to appreciate that our current lifestyle although culturally stressful, has nowhere near the physical demands of our past.
How much more demanding? Well, consider the fact that our ancestors would often travel 9-15 km per day to hunt down prey in the above manner alternating between walking and running in the midday sun of the increasingly arid African/ Asian continents, that’s pretty demanding. 9-15km is roughly 12,000-20,000 steps; if you’ve got a pedometer wear it on a normal day, the average person is said to take around 5,000 steps, see how you measure up.
Remember this is just part of the basic numbers regarding the hunting behaviours of our ancestors. Add onto this rudimentary and totally incomplete analysis, our other behaviours such as foraging, shelter creation/ maintenance and other day to day survival needs, and you can see that our genome is not receiving anywhere near the stimulus it evolved upon.
Our genome is phenomenal; we see glimpses of it from the elite performances of our champion academics, athletes and artists. The majority of us though just don’t ask it the right questions, so is it any surprise that we’re getting the answers we are?
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