Thursday, 20 June 2013
HPC-UK Bitesize (Nutrition): Dietary Fructose Causes Liver Damage?
In the past few years the evidence has been mounting that fructose can cause metabolic disturbance which may lead to development of metabolic syndrome.
A new study has added further weight behind this position, by suggesting that fructose can promote rapid liver damage in certain diets that are high in this sugar.
The study used 10 middle-aged, normal weight monkeys who were fructose naïve (never eaten fructose) and divided them into two groups based on comparable body shapes and waist circumference. Over six weeks, one group was fed a calorie-controlled diet consisting of 24 percent fructose, while the control group was fed a calorie-controlled diet with only a negligible amount of fructose, approximately 0.5 percent.
Each week during the study the research team weighed both groups and measured their waist circumference, then adjusted the amount of food provided to prevent weight gain. At the end of the study, the researchers measured biomarkers of liver damage through blood samples and examined what type of bacteria was in the intestine through faecal samples and intestinal biopsies.
In the high-fructose group, the researchers found that the type of intestinal bacteria hadn’t changed, but that they were migrating to the liver more rapidly and causing damage there. This is something that has been postulated in Nutrition circles for a while now, that there seems to be something about the high fructose levels that was causing the intestines to be less protective than normal (Intestinal Permeability AKA ‘Leaky Gut’), and consequently allowing the bacteria to leak out at a 30 percent higher rate.
There are, however, a few caveats that have to be taken into account. One is that, although the diets where similar in carbohydrate, protein and fat levels, which was part of the control methodology (to identify whether it was fructose alone, or in combination with caloric excess that was causing the issue), the sources providing these macronutrients where different, so this may have influenced the findings. The second caveat, which the authors also highlighted as a limitation of the study is that it only tested for fructose and not dextrose (glucose). Fructose and dextrose are simple sugars found naturally in plants, either individually or joined together as sucrose i.e. table sugar.
The Authors studied fructose because it is the most commonly added sugar in the American diet (where the study took place), but based on their findings can’t say conclusively that fructose caused the liver damage. They did suggest though that high added sugars caused bacteria to exit the intestines, go into the blood stream and damage the liver. They are planning a follow up study to tease apart this detail.
I will go out on a limb and suggest that the study will find that it ‘is’ the fructose that is causing the damage. Not because fructose is evil, but because it is doing what Nature intended it to do. The metabolic effects of fructose, if you look at them with the right ‘per-spectacles’ is a genius design, that probably kept us alive throughout our evolution. But when we took the fructose out of context for example by refining the sugar out of foods especially when we are using crops that we have purposely produced to have a higher proportion of fructose i.e. High Fructose Corn Syrup, then rather than a health promoting nutrient, we have a disease causing agent.
I’ll keep you posted on the results of the study, if, and when it takes place
Kavanagh, K et al. Dietary fructose induces endotoxemia and hepatic injury in calorically controlled primates. Am J Clin Nutr August 2013, doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.057331
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
HPC-UK Bitesize (Nutrition): Sugar Highs
A recent review of the research involving the analogy between addictive drugs, like cocaine, and hyper-palatable foods, notably those high in added sugar, added more leverage to the idea that we are living in what has been coined a ‘toxic food environment’. The food environment is the physical and social surroundings that influence what we eat. The ‘toxic’ part is how this current environment is making it harder to choose healthy foods, and all too easy to choose unhealthy food which then corrodes healthy lifestyles and promotes obesity. I have written previously about this purposely manufactured design, which you can find here:
The review found that the available evidence suggests that in humans, sugar and sweetness can induce reward and craving that are comparable in magnitude to those induced by addictive drugs. Although the authors of the studies admit that this evidence is limited by the inherent difficulty of comparing different types of rewards and psychological experiences in humans, it is nevertheless supported by recent experimental research on sugar and sweet reward in laboratory rats.
Overall, this research did reveal that sugar and sweet reward can not only rival addictive drugs, like cocaine, but in fact on certain levels be even more rewarding and attractive. On a neurobiological basis, the neural effects of sugar and sweet reward appear to be more robust than those of cocaine, which the authors suggest might possibly reflect past selective evolutionary pressures for seeking and taking foods high in sugar and energy density.
The authors of this review concluded that the biological robustness in the neural effects of sugar and sweet reward may be sufficient to explain why many people can have difficultly in controlling the consumption of foods high in sugar when continuously exposed to them.
Ahmed, Serge H; Guillem, Karine; Vandaele, Younaa. Sugar addiction: pushing the drug-sugar analogy to the limit. Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care: July 2013 - Volume 16 - Issue 4 - p 434-439. doi: 10.1097/MCO.0b013e328361c8b8
Learn from my Mistake
Half of UK
population 'will get cancer in lifetime' was the headline emblazened
across the UK News feeds today (7th June 2013).
You can read the report by Macmillan Cancer Support here:
I wrote about this last year in a post which you can find linked below. I'm already part of the statistic, and as much as I love to be in good company, in this circumstance I'm hoping you won't join me.
You can read the report by Macmillan Cancer Support here:
I wrote about this last year in a post which you can find linked below. I'm already part of the statistic, and as much as I love to be in good company, in this circumstance I'm hoping you won't join me.
Sunday, 2 June 2013
Everything Links
There is a gradual shift in consciousness worldwide and this is very evident in the work of many forward thinking and humble minds in science. As the veil of hubris has been dropped, it is allowing us to discover, or rather re-discover, the knowledge, understanding and wisdom of past great minds such as Leonardo da Vinci, whose visionary understanding we are only just beginning to appreciate. One such idea is summed up in his statement ‘Realise that everything connects to everything else.’ With the advent of Quantum theory we can see that on a micro- and macro-scale this inter-connection certainly appears to be the case. Yet, in regards to our bodies, the hubris of separation remains, both on a macro- and micro-level. But times they are a-changing.
Less than a couple of decades ago, most scientists wouldn’t have thought of body-fat as anything more than a place where the body stores excess energy. Subsequent research has found that it is much more than that; Body-fat is now known to be a metabolically active 'endocrine' organ, capable of secreting many molecular signals that communicate and influence the body systems in their entirety, which when balanced support the functioning of a healthy high performance body, but when out of balance lead to dysfunction and disease.
Currently evidence is growing to suggest that skeletal muscle also acts as an 'endocrine' organ and, especially when exercised, could act as a mediator to many of the signals originating from fat.
Within the last decade scientists have discovered that, like fat, muscles also secrete signaling molecules called ‘myokines.’
The discovery of myokines as protein messengers produced and secreted by contracting muscle fibers is a paradigm shift, and like all good science (which despite the common perception of it being a collection of facts, is in fact a method to constantly challenge the status quo) drastically alters the worldview in regards to metabolism and physiology. This finding has provided a foundation to explain how physical activity and muscle improve health and protect against chronic disease.
Myokines are sent out by exercising muscle to relay messages both locally within the muscle itself, as well as to other organs throughout the body such as the brain, pancreas, liver, bone, and adipose tissue. In some ways they mimic hormones, much like the earlier discovered adipokines such as Leptin secreted from adipocytes (body fat cells).
For the signals to have an effect, it is not sufficient enough to simply produce them; the amplitude and the frequency also have to be considered. Think of it in this way, from 1936 to 1955 the only television channel that you could view in the UK was BBC One. They had the monopoly on the information broadcast (signals) via a tele-visual medium. Beginning in 1955 ITV entered the foray, so you now had two competing broadcasts each with their own specific remit. Up until 1982 these two monoliths were the entirety for your tele-visual (essentially) one-way communication. They would have shaped and help form the world view of the viewers via their programming. Skip to 2013, and the whole game has changed, no longer are these two broadcasters the only players in the game, thus decreasing their relative impact, despite having hugely increased absolute presence (number of channels and extended viewing hours). And because of this, the BBC is no longer the major (although still hugely influential) provider of communiqué. This very same situation is reflected in the body; it’s all about relatively dominant signals whether provided by amplitude, frequency or a combination of the two.
When skeletal muscle is a dominant organ over body fat – as found in lean adults, where muscle can make up about 40 percent of body weight, the myokines have a greater relative influence compared to the adipokines on many different systems and metabolic processes in the body. Although the area of myokine research is still in its birthing stages, the number of myokines that have been identified and their roles are growing rapidly. So far, studies have found that myokines influence muscle growth, fat breakdown, insulin sensitivity, pancreas function, energy utilisation, and risk of certain chronic diseases.
Two of the best studied myokines to date are interleukin-6 (IL-6) and irisin, which the human body makes a lot more of, when it moves more, such as in the performance of physical activity, whether structured or not.
IL-6 was first identified in 2000, and it was found that levels of it increased 100-fold after exercise (1). It was initially believed that this myokine was an inflammatory mediator produced in response to muscle damage (1). However, further studies revealed that although IL-6 does produce inflammation when it is secreted by tissues such as immune cells, when produced by skeletal muscle it acted conversely as an anti-inflammatory agent.
Irisin is another myokine which has received much attention within the last few years due to its ability to increase energy expenditure. It does this through the development of a type of body-fat called ‘brown fat’(2). I’ve previously written about this in a number of articles, this HPC-UK Bitesize piece provides a link to the core of them:
Physical activity has generally been viewed as a tool to balance energy intake with expenditure and bring about weight loss, especially in the latter half of the last century. However, we’ve known for quite a while now, that thinking of physical activity in these terms is extremely myopic. The influence of physical activity on energy expenditure is obvious, the more you move, the more energy is used, but it is WAY overstated. The real value of physical activity is not the increased energy use during the sessions, nor is it really the slightly elevated energy usage following exercise (EPOC – Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption) which in the grander scheme of things are both relatively minor, but something a lot more influential.
Physical activity is one of the key stimuli that initiate a cascade that influences the Human genome to express itself in support of a healthy and high performance body and mind. Without that primary stimulus, your body, at best, expresses itself as a merely sufficient version of your DNA to exist, barely limping along. At worst it declines into disease and death.
Far from the shallow view of muscles being simply a veneer of vanity, science is proving that they are an integral part of the whole, a part that you can choose to ignore; but do so at your peril.
1. Pedersen BK. Muscles and their myokines. J Exp Biol. 2011 Jan 15;214(Pt 2):337-46. doi: 10.1242/jeb.048074.
2. Boström P et al. A PGC1-α-dependent myokine that drives brown-fat-like development of white fat and thermogenesis. Nature. 2012 Jan 11;481(7382):463-8. doi: 10.1038/nature10777.
HPC-UK Bitesize (Fat Loss) Vicious Spiral: Obesity Sustained by Changes in Brain Biochemistry
Obesity is reaching epidemic levels in some parts of the world, and scientists are teasing apart the details to understand why it is such a persistent condition. A study in the Journal of Biological Chemistry adds substantially to the story by the discovery of a molecular chain of events in the brains of obese rats that undermined their ability to suppress appetite and to increase energy expenditure.
It's a vicious spiral, involving a breakdown in how brain cells process key proteins that allows obesity to promote further obesity. But researchers at Brown University found that they could intervene to break that cycle by fixing the core protein-processing problem.
We already know one mechanism in which obesity perpetuates itself by causing resistance to leptin; a hormone that signals the brain about the status of fat in the body. However years ago senior author Eduardo A. Nillni, professor of medicine at Brown University and a researcher at Rhode Island Hospital, observed that after meals obese rats had a scarcity of another key hormone—alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (a-MSH)—compared to rats of normal weight.
Alpha-MSH has two jobs in parts of the hypothalamus region of the brain. One is to suppress the activity of food-seeking brain cells. The second is to signal other brain cells to produce the hormone Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH), which prompts the thyroid gland to increase energy expenditure in the body. In the obese rats alpha-MSH was low, despite an abundance of leptin and despite normal levels of a very important protein called pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), which is a precursor to many vital chemicals in the body, including a-MSH.
Since there was sufficient raw material for a-MSH production and the enzymes for conversion were in place, the researchers then smartly looked upstream of the process to see where, if any, a limiting step occurred.
The research team fed one group of rats a high-energy dense diet and fed others a normal diet for 12 weeks. The overfed rats developed the condition of ‘diet-induced obesity.’ The team then studied the hormone levels and brain cell physiology of the rats. They also tested their findings by experimenting with the biochemistry of key individual cells in-vitro. They found that in the obese rats the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), which is the part of your cells that build your proteins, becomes stressed and overwhelmed. The overloaded ER then failed to properly handle Prohormone Convertase 2 (PC2), which is a key enzyme in the synthesis of a-MSH.
The PC2 levels they measured in obese rats, for example, were 53 percent lower than in normal rats. Alpha-MSH peptides were also barely more than half as abundant in obese rats as they were in healthy rats.
To confirm the findings, the researchers tested this concept further. In additional experiments the researchers purposely induced stress in the ER of a group of rats and found that there was a decrease in both PC2 and a-MSH. They also treated lean and obese rats for two days with a chemical called Tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA), which is known to alleviate ER stress. If ER stress was responsible for alpha-MSH production problems, the researchers would see alpha-MSH recover in obese rats treated with TUDCA. While TUDCA didn't increase alpha-MSH production in normal rats, it increased it markedly in the obese rats.
The researchers also isolated neurons that produce PC2 and POMC and pre-treated some with a similar chemical called 4-phenyl butyric acid (PBA) that prevents ER stress. They left others untreated. They then induced ER stress in all the cells. Under that ER stress, those that had been pre-treated with PBA produced about twice as much PC2 as those that had not.
The authors concluded that there is a direct link between obesity and ER stress resulting in altered POMC processing, which brings a new perspective of how ER stress can regulate energy balance by altering POMC processing.
There are many factors that are linked to ER stress, here are just a few: Glucose deprivation, Calcium homeostasis disturbance, Hypoxia, Elevated homocysteine, Pro-inflammatory mediators, ATP depletion, Excess Nitric Oxide, Alcohol metabolism, Lp(a) cholesterol, Oxidised lipids, Oxidative stress, and Insulin resistance.
Although this curtailed list still seems like a lot of ground to cover, it’s actually really not. You can cover all of those bases with a handful of relatively effortless lifestyle modifications. And to really up the ante, if I’m correct, you may be able to replicate the chemical intervention with a simple addition to your meals which ties neatly into another groundbreaking study from a few months back. Interesting times.
Isin Cakir, Nicole E. Cyr, Mario Perello, Bogdan Patedakis Litvinov, Amparo Romero, Ronald C. Stuart, and Eduardo A. Nillni. Obesity Induces Hypothalamic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress and Impairs Proopiomelanocortin (POMC) Post-translational Processing. J. Biol. Chem. jbc.M113.475343. First Published on May 2, 2013, doi:10.1074/jbc.M113.475343
HPC-UK Bitesize (Health) Why Women Outlive Men?…
Women's immune systems age more slowly than men's, and this slower decline in a woman's immune system may contribute to women living longer than men.
Researchers looked at the blood of healthy volunteers in Japan, ranging in age between 20 and 90 years old; in both sexes the total number of white blood cells per person decreased with age. The number of neutrophils decreased for both sexes and lymphocytes decreased in men and increased in women. Younger men generally have higher levels of lymphocytes than similarly aged women, so as ageing happens, the number of lymphocytes becomes comparable.
The study also suggests that the rate in decline in T cells and B cells was slower for women than men. Both CD4+ T cells and NK cells increased with age, and the rate of increase was higher in women than men. Similarly an age-related decline in IL-6 and IL-10 was worse in men. There was also an age-dependent decrease in red blood cells for men but not women.
This difference in the ageing of immune systems between men and women is one of many processes which alter as we grow older, and the process of ageing is different for men and women for many reasons; one of which is the sex hormones, which affect the immune system, especially certain types of lymphocytes.
The lead researcher Prof Katsuiku Hirokawa postulates that because people age at different rates a person's immunological parameters could be used to provide an indication of their true biological age.
I’ve covered the main elements involved in ageing in previous posts which you can find by following the links provided here:
Katsuiku Hirokawa, Masanori Utsuyama, Yoshio Hayashi, Masanobu Kitagawa, Takashi Makinodan and Tamas Fulop. Slower immune system aging in women versus men in the Japanese population. Immunity & Ageing, 2013; 10: 19
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