Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Want Optimum Body Composition Results? You’ve Got To Resistance Train

You may have noticed my preference for resistance training as an exercise modality. With practically every client, resistance training is usually the best method for achieving the majority of goals. This is especially true of physique transformations, the results you can achieve in muscle and body composition will be greater and last longer if you perform progressive resistance training rather than perform endurance training.

If you’ve been reading my work you should already be well aware of this, but it’s nice to have some academic backup to support what we have all known for years.  Some new research coming out of Taiwan found that resistance training is more effective at building long-lasting lean body mass than endurance training. Let’s take a brief look at the study.

Previously untrained individuals performed three training sessions a week, either a periodised resistance training program of ten exercises, or 30 minutes of treadmill running at an intensity of 70-85% of maximal heart rate. The fact that the endurance group (EG) had a greater increase in maximal oxygen uptake (an indicator of cardiovascular capacity), was not really a revelation, but, and here’s what most people fail to appreciate, the resistance training group (RG) also improved (EG by 17 percent, RG by 12 percent). Lean body mass increased 71 percent in the RG and they maintained significantly more muscle after six months of detraining (a period of no training).

As I always say ‘the devil’s in the details’ and to a lay person the way this study is presented in no different. Take for instance that the study suggested the EG increased lean mass by 12 percent after training. So they gained muscle? Nope, the EG actually lost half a kilo of muscle over the six month training period, it only appears that way statistically because they lost fat mass during the period.

Between the two groups only the RG group had gains in strength and hypertrophy with training, and they had a statistically insignificant (but still very real) trend toward reduction in body fat.

After six months of detraining, the EG had lost the training gains with a return to pre-training body weight, body size and cardiovascular fitness. The RG lost its cardiovascular fitness but maintained some strength and lean mass, with higher than baseline values.

While greater cardiovascular gains can be made with endurance training, the benefits for body composition, strength, and overall long-term effects are substantially greater from lifting weights. A good way to increase cardiovascular capacity without compromising your program, is to perform high-intensity interval sprints or circuit training in addition to a resistance training program

Lo, M., Lin, L., Yao, W., Ma, M. Training and Detraining Effects of the Resistance Vs. Endurance Program on Body Composition, Body Size and Physical Performance in Young Men.  Journal of Strength and Conditioning. July 2011. Published Ahead of Print.

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