Saturday, 19 November 2011

HPC-UK’s Top Tips for Fat Loss. Tip No.10– Go In For The Long Haul

Fat loss and a body that can remain lean for life are not achieved overnight. Despite living in a culture where instant gratification is rife, physiological dynamics have to wait on nature.

Bodyfat tends to be accumulated very slowly, usually at a rate of about 30g per day, almost imperceptible. 30g a day is only 2lbs per month, but over a year that’s 24lb, two years down the line that tiny daily amount can put on an additional 4 stone of fat.

Because the change is small, it doesn’t stimulate an aggressive response by your body, and because it’s almost impossible to perceive, your brain doesn’t register the change, so you do nothing about it. Then you wake up one morning thinking ‘How did this happen?’

To effectively lose bodyfat and remain that way permanently you need to ‘play the game’. Don’t think you can bend the rules and expect the body not to counter your action. Your body will beat you every time, it has many more tricks up its sleeve than you can imagine. So to permanently change your level of bodyfat you need to lose bodyfat slowly, about ½ lb per week, if you are severely overweight you can get away with a bit more.

Again, like fat gain, you may think that nothing is happening to your body, but if you follow the tips given, your body will gradually change to a permanently leaner condition, all without the deprivation of usual weight loss practices.

Done properly, fat loss and remaining lean is easy. It doesn’t require strenuous dieting, avoidance of chocolate or the occasional cake. It certainly doesn’t require weird dietary or lifestyle practices. You possess a body that is able to stay lean while enjoying delectable foods, one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Using the previous tips will be the best step you can take on achieving this supposed, but very attainable, physical utopia. You have it within you to accomplish this goal, but if you feel like you need a steady hand to help you through the initial wobbly steps, get in touch, we’ll be glad to provide the necessary support.  

‘Failure is the path of least persistence.’ - Unknown

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