A recent study has provided concrete evidence how pollution is a contributory factor in obesity. In the study the subjects who were exposed to higher levels of pollutants gained more fat. It actually ties in to many other theories of obesity that are currently being discussed. You can read a summary of the research here http://tinyurl.com/285mj2h
The term lipophilic means the tendency of chemicals to be attracted to and mix with fats. During the last Century (and change), essentially since the advent of the industrial revolution, we have choked our environment with thousands and thousands of lipophilic toxins, such as pesticides, off-gassing toxins from building products, and industrial waste from manufacture and disposal of internal components of electrical goods.
Despite International efforts attempting to reduce or eliminate these toxins, it’s currently ineffective. Due to the rapid growth of industry in emerging economies, the pollution of our environment shows no sign of slowing down, at least not in our near future.
Many of these substances are highly carcinogenic compounds which also cause damage to your hormonal and organ systems. To prevent these toxins from causing mortal damage, your body attempts to protect itself by shuttling these compounds into your fat cells. Better there than the fatty structures that make up your most important organs, such as your eyes and brain. And if you don’t have sufficient fat to act as a storage depot, your body will set itself up to create more, either by altering your metabolism or stimulating your hunger drive to compel you to overeat.
The main route of entry of lipophilic toxins into your body is through the food chain, and from inhaled toxins in household, garden and industrial products. Man made pharmaceuticals are also a potent source.
Although the body protects itself in the short term; so that you don’t keel over immediately, in the long term it sets up a condition that, as I’ve explained in previous articles, underlies almost every disease state currently plaguing Humanity. If you want to read my take on this process, have a look here http://tinyurl.com/62kwcup
The linked study showed that once the toxins enter the fat cell they trigger an inflammatory response. We know now that inflammation in adipose tissue is a major piece of the metabolic dysfunction puzzle. Essentially your fat cells no longer work properly, and this plays a prominent role in the development and/ or progression of insulin resistance; the beginning stages of Type ll Diabetes.
In addition to the inflammation, there is another way toxins contribute to progressive obesity. The toxins stored in the fat cells are a threat to survival for the body, so unless your body has a means to remove the stored toxins, your body will do everything possible to limit the breakdown of fat. Say hello to stubborn bodyfat.
If you do manage to bully the body into releasing the fat, and subsequently the stored toxins, without providing a route of removal, all you have done is effectively poison yourself.
Because restrictive diets by their very nature cannot provide sufficient nutrients that are intimately involved in the detoxification pathways, you get a double whammy that increases toxic burden. Add to this the fact that (un-provided) nutrients required for toxin removal are subsequently scavenged from functional body tissues. These tissues won’t stay functional for long since they now haven’t got the necessary materials to work, and that they’re also slowly being poisoned. Dare I say…triple whammy?
Ever wonder why people feel so bad on restrictive diets? Here’s a hint, it’s not a lack of energy…
To release bodyfat effectively and safely, you need to need to open the canal gates so that the toxins have a pathway out of the body. To do this you need to be in the possession of a first rate lock and lock keeper. You also need an exemplary infrastructure that prevents the canal from becoming congested.
In order to achieve and maintain a healthy level of bodyfat you should aim to build a detoxification system that allows the most efficient transport of toxin removal. Without this primary step you’ll always continue to struggle to lose fat and find it progressively difficult to maintain good health.
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