Wednesday, 10 October 2012

What’s Keeping You from Success?

When I taught Phys Ed I would see a whole range of abilities; from kids who could precisely place a football into a 1 metre spot from a minimum of 50m away, to others who would seemingly not be able to hit a 5x5m target from 10m away. Now in terms of outcomes those results are miles apart.

But here’s the thing, in terms of execution the difference is sometimes so subtle, it takes a trained eye to be able to spot it. Literally, a millimetre, or a quarter of a degree angle of attack, off of the precise spot upon impact could be the cause of the huge variation in the end result.

In the above example, the difference in execution was miniscule, but with distance the difference became progressively larger. So the difference in success or failure wasn’t actually the vast distances seen as a result (measurable in hundreds of metres), it was a tiny discrepancy in execution (measurable in millimetres).

This may be the case in your own life. What may seem like an abysmal failure (the result), could possibly be caused by a small disparity in some action (execution). So small differences, especially when compounded by time or repetition, can cause dramatic differences in effect.

If you have something you really want to achieve but it always seems to end in failure, try to think about small, seemingly inconsequential, actions you could take that may over time turn your previous failures into success.

This is a concept I use in the Lean for Life program. We make a small progression each week that over time (we use a 6 month timeline) will lead to a big outcome. And as each progressive action is supported by the previous actions, the momentum of the program grows as the time continues, but it actually gets easier as the program continues (and the first action is really easy, and if it’s not we’ll modify it so it is).

If you want to lose weight, have a look at the program and I’d love for you to get in touch.

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