Saturday, 10 November 2012

HPC-UK Bitesize (Nutrition): After Weight Loss, Low Fat Diets Promote Weight Gain

Many people lose 25 to 50 pounds or more in a year. The secret is maintaining the weight loss.

After significant weight loss, metabolic rate slows by as much as 20 percent. A study from Boston Children’s Hospital found that dietary composition affects metabolic rate after weight loss.

Researchers examined young adults who lost 10-15 percent of their bodyweight. Low fat diets decreased metabolic rate more than low or very low carbohydrate diets. However, most weight loss ‘experts’ still recommend low fat diets for weight loss. The study showed that these diets promote weight gain and trigger high blood pressure, abnormal blood fats, abdominal fat deposition and poor blood sugar regulation.

The best strategy for preventing weight gain after significant weight loss is to reduce sugar and glycemic load rather than restrict fat intake.


Journal of American Medical Association, 307: 2627-2634, 2012

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