Sunday, 30 March 2014

Super-Kids: (O)Mega-man

Parents, when questioned about their hopes for their children commonly respond with two main words – ‘Happiness’ and ‘Success’. Now both of these are of course dependent upon an individual’s perception of what makes one happy or successful, but one key factor underlies both of these – the health and optimal functioning of the brain. To understand how to support the health and optimal functioning of the amazing Human brain, we need to take a very terse look at how our massive brain power originally developed.

The divergence of Humankind from our great ape cousins is thought to have occurred about 5-7 million years ago. I sketched out the evolutionary timeframe in a previous article.(1) The two main outcomes of this evolution was our gradual adaptation towards true bi-pedalism (we are the only species capable of being able to truly do this – other species can only do so for short periods and are decidedly awkward in the position), and the conversion from a dominantly plant eating species to an omnivore (the consumption of both plant and animal foods) – both of which occurred as a result of the disappearance of the forests in Africa to a savannah landscape.

These two adaptations had a huge influence on our brain structure – the bi-pedalism freed our hands so that we could begin using tools, and the adoption of a more carnivorous diet provided a much more nutrient and energy dense food which is required for brain power. Despite our current habits of eating the muscular tissue of animals, our ancestors prized the internal organs (heart, liver, kidneys, intestines etc) and especially the brains of their prey. The organs are the most nutrient dense tissues in the body, with the brain being packed with high concentrations of long-chain omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.(2)

These factors combined began to make our brains ever so slightly different from our primate cousins and the land based mammals. During mammalian evolution all mammals including primates lost brain size – except Humans.(3) It is likely that the energy and the supply of long chained fatty acids prevented our ancestors from succumbing to this widespread brain drain. However, it doesn’t explain the massive leap in brain power that occurred in our ancestors 150,000-200,000 years ago. That particular development requires a large supply of a particular fatty acid called Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA).

Modern Human brains are in excess of 60% lipid, almost exclusively DHA.(4) DHA is essential for neurons and other specialised cells in the body. We can make DHA from the essential fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid which is found in plant foods, but the conversion is so low that it’s insufficient to generate adequate amounts of DHA to promote the massive encephalisation (Brain growth) that allowed Humans to develop the unique brain power that we have inherited today. The consumption of brains and other sources of long chained fatty acids would’ve definitely helped, but to develop brains to this extent needs a much larger and more consistent supply – that supply can only come from one place – the sea.

It is likely that our ancestors migrated to the southern coast of Africa and began to scavenge both algae (a single-celled organism that synthesises fatty acids, particularly Arachidonic Acid, Eicosapentaenoic Acid, and Docosahexaenoic Acid) and more importantly shellfish.  Although algae contain a high percentage of fatty acids, the total amount is relatively low, so requires large amounts to be consumed.(5)  However, algae is the main food source of plankton (zooplankton), which concentrates the algae derived fatty acids into its own tissues, making plankton a superior source of nutrition to algae – if you can see them.

Plankton is so tiny as to be invisible to Humans – but to shellfish, plankton is a gourmet meal. Just as the plankton concentrated the fatty acids into its structure by consuming algae, the same process occurs in the shellfish, which are easily seen and were readily available to our ancestors, who at this point had acquired the ability to use tools which helped to access the shellfish inside their protective shells, on the southern and eastern coasts (and rivers) of Africa.

With this newly discovered source of nutrition for their brains, our ancestors already slightly different brain structure began to expand rapidly especially the pre-frontal cortex which enables us to make complex plans, decide upon actions, and moderate our social behaviour. Just the kind of skills you would need to obtain an even more concentrated source of these powerful fatty acids – the source being fish, and the skill being fishing.

With the development of fishing, our brains were being supplied with large amounts of fatty acids and in particular DHA. It was this nutritional environment that enabled the huge leap in brain power that allowed us to develop all of the culture that you see around you today and in our distant past.
So with DHA being so vital in our evolution, you’d expect our brains today to reflect this need. Let’s take a look.

Childhood is a time of rapid brain maturation, connectivity, and expansion, all of which are associated with brain DHA accumulation. Infancy especially is also the key period for visual development which is also thought to be dependent upon DHA. Deficiency in DHA at this time has been shown to result in poorer visual acuity in follow up tests 4 years later.(6)

There is also indication that supplementation with long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids improved performance in problem solving at 9 months of age, which is correlated with later IQ and vocabulary.(7)
Low blood concentrations of Omega 3 have been correlated in children with ADHD and related behaviour or learning difficulties – and shown to improve upon re-dressing the deficiency status.(8)

A recent study investigated the effects of dietary supplementation for 16 weeks with DHA or placebo in healthy school children mainly aged 7–9 years who were initially underperforming in reading. As well as looking at reading, the study sought to investigate the effects, if any, on working memory and ADHD-like behaviour.(9)

Depending on the initial reading ability DHA had a variable effect on improving performance with the most significant benefit for those who began the study with the lowest scores. The children with the lowest initial reading score demonstrated a gain up to 50% higher than is generally expected for that time period.
Again like the reading measure, working memory showed an improvement, although not statistically significant, with increased DHA intake especially in the individuals with the highest under-performance initially.

Parents of the children in the study reported significant reduction in behavioural symptoms. These included hyperactivity and oppositional behaviour, mood swings and restless-impulsive behaviour as well as total ADHD-type symptoms (these children were not diagnosed ADHD). Teachers of the children with the lowest blood levels of omega 3 also noted increased anxiety.

This is only a tiny fraction of the research on DHA (and an even tinier fraction on fatty acids in general), however I hope it’s sufficiently compelling to at least consider investigating the intake of marine based omega 3 in your children. From the current evidence intakes of about 1000mg of combined DHA and EPA appear to be sufficient for health and performance in individuals without any identifiable condition. In those who do have certain neuro-developmental conditions, it’s likely that a higher intake is necessary to create a more optimal environment.

The best source of omega 3 is from sea-food, however the study above presented data that indicated that almost 90% consumed fish less than twice per week, and almost 10% didn’t consume fish at all.(10) Two to three meals of fatty fish per week would provide sufficient omega 3 for most individuals, however, for those individuals that do not get this amount the only reasonable avenue to obtain these fatty acids is via a supplement. Here’s a supplement I use with younger members of my family: Kids DHA



2 – Cordain L, Watkins BA, Florant GL, Kelher M, Rogers L, Li Y. Fatty acid analysis of wild ruminant tissues: evolutionary implications for reducing diet-related chronic disease. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002 Mar;56(3):181-91. Review. PubMed PMID: 11960292.

3 – Crawford MA, Bloom M, Broadhurst CL, Schmidt WF, Cunnane SC, Galli C, Gehbremeskel K, Linseisen F, Lloyd-Smith J, Parkington J. Evidence for the unique function of docosahexaenoic acid during the evolution of the modern hominid brain. Lipids. 1999;34 Suppl:S39-47. Review. PubMed PMID: 10419087.

4- Crawford MA. The role of dietary fatty acids in biology: their place in the evolution of the human brain. Nutr Rev. 1992 Apr;50(4 ( Pt 2)):3-11. Review. PubMed PMID: 1608562.

5- Lang I, Hodac L, Friedl T, Feussner I. Fatty acid profiles and their distribution patterns in microalgae: a comprehensive analysis of more than 2000 strains from the SAG culture collection. BMC Plant Biol. 2011 Sep 6;11:124. doi:  10.1186/1471-2229-11-124. PubMed PMID: 21896160; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3175173.

6- Birch EE, Garfield S, Castañeda Y, Hughbanks-Wheaton D, Uauy R, Hoffman D. Visual acuity and cognitive outcomes at 4 years of age in a double-blind, randomized trial of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid-supplemented infant formula. Early Hum Dev. 2007 May;83(5):279-84. Epub 2007 Jan 18. PubMed PMID: 17240089.

7- Three Randomized Controlled Trials of Early Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Supplementation on Means-End Problem Solving in Nine-Month Olds James R. Drover, Dennis R. Hoffman, Yolanda S. Castañeda, Sarah E. Morale, Eileen E. Birch Child Dev. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 September 1.Published in final edited form as: Child Dev. 2009 Sep-Oct; 80(5): 1376–1384.  doi: 10.1111/j.1467-8624.2009.01339.x PMCID: PMC2757317

8- Bloch MH, Qawasmi A. Omega-3 fatty acid supplementation for the treatment of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder symptomatology: systematic review and meta-analysis. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2011 Oct;50(10):991-1000. doi: 10.1016/j.jaac.2011.06.008. Epub 2011 Aug 12. Review. PubMed PMID: 21961774; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3625948.

9- Richardson AJ, Burton JR, Sewell RP, Spreckelsen TF, Montgomery P. Docosahexaenoic acid for reading, cognition and behavior in children aged 7-9 years: a randomized, controlled trial (the DOLAB Study). PLoS One. 2012;7(9):e43909. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043909. Epub 2012 Sep 6. PubMed
PMID: 22970149; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3435388.

10- Montgomery P, Burton JR, Sewell RP, Spreckelsen TF, Richardson AJ. Low blood long chain omega-3 fatty acids in UK children are associated with poor cognitive performance and behavior: a cross-sectional analysis from the DOLAB study. PLoS One. 2013 Jun 24;8(6):e66697. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0066697. Print 2013. PubMed PMID: 23826114; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC3691187.

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