Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Demolition Man

In the previous article we looked very briefly at antioxidants and how uncontrolled oxidation creates excess free radicals. I suggested that in order to maintain a long lived healthy body and mind, we need to balance this process.

Most commentators on health in the general media would have you believe that free radicals are fiendish Gremlins that wreak havoc upon the body that should be entirely eliminated. It’s also been suggested that the fact that the body seems to naturally produce free radicals as a natural component of energy processing is an inherent flaw in the design of the Human body. Pish!!!

Excess free radicals will damage the body there is no doubt, we looked at the process by which this happens. However, far from an undesirable element, the body also uses free radicals in a huge array of processes, one notable function being immunity. Without free radicals, you would be prey to every passing virus, bacteria, microbe or sundry other wee beasties. Much like Special Force Units in the military, the fittest members of a population are recruited to execute specialised manoeuvres that the majority of the population neither have the skills or the necessary partitioned enmity that is demanded to have the required devastating effect. Or more succinctly put by John Spartan in Demolition Man ‘Send a Maniac to catch a Maniac’.

Ever wondered why most infections begin with a sore throat. The throat is one of the most accessible points of entry into the body (it’s actually still outside of the body, but I digress), where the aforementioned viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, microbes, chemicals etc. have the best chance of mounting an invasion. Upon detection of an unwanted invader, the body immediately contacts specialised armed forces called lymphocytes. This response is known as the lymphocyte proliferative response which is part of cell mediated immunity. This initial response and the subsequent battle for ground ‘is’ your sore throat.

The lymphocytes are divided into different components called T-Cells, B-Cells and Natural Killer Cells and much like the Armed Forces divisions of Army, Navy and Air force, each adheres to a specific remit. Within each division are sub-divisions, much like the Marine infantry within the Navy, with an even more specialised role within an already specialised unit.

Generally, foreign elements are tackled by Natural Killer Cells, which act as sentry guards. Natural Killer Cells do not need direction from the immune system as they auto-regulate their activity.  Natural Killers, on a daily basis destroy viruses and tumors before they can take hold and multiply. However, because of their fairly indiscriminate and very potent nature, the body keeps Natural Killers on a pretty short leash.

During this initial stand-off both the invading elements and the Natural Killer Cells create a substantial amount of collateral damage to normal body cells. Damaged cells, in response, raise a red flag (chemical signals such as prostaglandins and leukotrines) to alert the immune system that ‘it’s on’.

The Immune system then deploys another group of lymphocytes that are of a more discerning constitution. Although they are more selective in targeting, the collateral damage is even more severe.

Usually the first team to turn up at the battlefield are class of Phagocytes called Neutrophils. Neutrophils upon identifying an invader, attack by engulfing them. Having ingested the invader the Neutrophil essentially takes a huge breath, taking in 50 times the amount of Oxygen. This results in what is known as an ‘Oxidative burst’ within the Neutrophil, destroying the ingested foreign element by enlisting free radicals. The Neutrophil can perform this action about 20-30 times before the oxidative damage accumulates and damages the Neutrophil itself. At this point of no return, the Neutrophil detonates like a bomb, causing massive fallout from the oxidative contents and the free radicals that have been generated.

This may seem like a flaw in design of the immune system. Not at all, it’s genius, you just need to look at it from the right angle. The shrapnel emitted from the explosion hits, and damages, everything, both normal tissue and invading elements alike. This fallout weakens the invaders, softening them up for the killer blow delivered by your immune cells. To prevent the body from being overly damaged by the friendly fire, your cells require appropriate levels of antioxidants to shield themselves.

This is only the beginning stages of immune response, the later stages recruit various other cells such as Monocytes, T-cells as the battle becomes a lot more targeted via Humoral Immunity. However, even this brief skim over oxidation, free radicals and immunity demonstrates the delicate balance we need to maintain in order to allow oxidation to occur for beneficial reasons and having sufficient antioxidant armour to protect ourselves from rogue soldiers.

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