Monday, 31 October 2011

HPC-UK’s Top Tips for Fat Loss; Tip No.4 - Eat Low Glycemic Carbohydrates.

I have shown in previous articles how carbohydrates are classified in terms of their capacity to raise blood sugar. 

For a lean body for life, stick to those with a low glycemic index. 

The most misguided mistake seen with the average dieter is the use of foods such as rice cakes or low fat cereals and cereal bars, akin to cardboard in my mind. Foods such as these generally have a glycemic index about the same as, or higher than, table sugar. They are all rapidly converted to sugar in the blood which usually causes insulin to go wild. 

The high level of insulin helps to turn the sugar into triglycerides which is stored as fat. The excess insulin is also converted into triglycerides, and also subsequently stored as fat. Add to this the fact that high levels of blood triglycerides cause temporary insulin resistance and promote the development of chronic insulin resistance which eventually leads on to diabetes.

It’s wise to heed the wisdom of Ben Franklin when he said ‘The honey is sweet but the bee has a sting.’

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