Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Mr and Ms Average

Looking at the most current figures the average UK resident is in fairly woeful shape. Ms Average is a touch over 5 ft 3 inches and weighs in at 11 stones with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 26.9. If Ms Average is 30 years of age then her body-fat percentage is about 35%.

To give you an idea of what this looks like, if you look at the attached image (above), the two photos on the left are a visual representation of a female at about 35% (although the lady in this picture is over 5 ft 4 inches, so this would be a ‘good’ example of 35%). The photo on the right is the same lady at about 18% body-fat.

To take Ms. Average from 35% to 18% and remain there without a subsequent constant battle with the scale is achievable in as little as 6 months if the right approach is adopted. 

Approximately 25% Vs. 10% Bodyfat

Mr Average fares about the same. Mr Average is about 5 ft 9 inches, 12 and a half stones with a BMI of 27.4. Again, assuming he is 30 years of age, his body-fat percentage is about 24%.

In the same 6 months Mr. Average could go from 24% body-fat to approximately 10% without too much upheaval in their life.

This is what the Lean for Life Program sets out to achieve. The Lean for Life Program guides you one step at a time; essentially one habit per week, for 26 weeks to a place where your body is metabolically primed to remain lean permanently with minimal effort.

And in July the Lean for Life Program is being offered at a 50% discount.

For more details please see

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