Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Why Dieting Makes You Fat; Part 3…

As suggested in Part 1, the whole approach to usual dieting is built upon a foundation of a temporary period of time. This single concept sets the scene for failure, and the numbers show it. As mentioned 95% of people who diet to lose weight gain a minimum of that weight back, and in many cases additional weight to add insult to injury.

So usual dieting is a recipe for weight gain. It negatively sets up what I call a ‘Metabolic Shift’ in the body. You can of course set up a positive shift, but that cannot be achieved with the principles espoused by the big weight loss companies. Why would they? If they teach people correctly, they lose any repeat custom, the biggest source of income for any company.

Let’s look at a quick example of the way usual weight loss is approached and the result.

Chloe is a 5’ 6’’ female weighing 154lbs, she would like to lose at least a stone and a half (21 lbs) in time for a big wedding she is to attend in 3 months, so she signs up to her local ‘Fat Fighters’ club who promises that if she follows the plan, which is easy, more like play really, then as long as she creates a 1000 Kcal deficit per day then she is guaranteed to lose 2 lbs per week.

Deducting 1000 Kcal off of her maintenance need of 2152 Kcal, Chloe is left with about 1100 Kcal to play with in her meal plan provided by ‘Fat Fighters’. A daily example of this is:-

Breakfast: Crumpet with Bananas and Honey

Lunch: Jacket Potato and Low Fat Cottage Cheese

Dinner: Pasta with Spinach and Tomatoes

Chloe completely adheres to the diet plan, and the weight starts to come off, as ‘evidenced’ by the big weekly weigh in at the meetings. This weekly celebration is the highlight of Chloe’s week, even though for the rest of the week she has been progressively feeling mentally slower, tired, miserable and hungry, in fact thoughts of food and eating seems to be dominating her mind. And even though she is allowed treats and regular foods on her plan, she seems to still be craving certain foods, especially sweets.

Anyway, Chloe is determined that she is going to look amazing at the wedding, and maintains her will-power to successfully achieve her target weight. And she does. Although, it wasn’t quite what Chloe had expected she would look or feel like. She was definitely lighter and noticeably smaller, but she still looked and felt soft. In fact, she actually looked and felt softer than when she had begun. She managed to fit into her dress, but it didn’t quite look the way she had thought it would. And it actually took away from the enjoyment of the day, as Chloe still felt conscious and frumpy, so did not want to partake of the amazing spread of food that was on offer for fear of bloating.

So, what happened?

Chloe’s body did what any normally functioning body would do when put in the situation it was presented. It survived. From that viewpoint not only did Chloe’s body succeed, it excelled.

Chloe’s body took stock of the situation (dramatically reduced energy intake) and made its priority very clear, get rid of any short term unnecessary tissue. First to go: muscle. Since muscle is one of the most metabolically active and costly tissues in the body, logic tells us that this should be one of the first targets for breakdown in the body. Unfortunately it is also one of the biggest drivers of metabolism, so muscle loss = metabolic shutdown.

Also because Chloe is eating fewer and badly composed meals, her Resting Metabolic Rate and the Thermic Effect of Feeding are both substantially reduced. Another low blow to metabolism.

Also because Chloe is not eating enough to support her body’s production of neurotransmitters and hormones, she has become increasingly tired, unmotivated and lethargic, leading to a reduction in Physical Activity Levels (PAL).

But still, Chloe achieved her goal of losing the 21 lbs she had hoped to. So Chloe now says ‘Thank you’ and ‘Goodbye’ to ‘Fat Fighters’ and resumes her normal diet again.

But Chloe’s not quite the same as she was 3 months ago. The hunger and cravings she progressively experienced through her time on the diet plan, haven’t subsided. Since she is not on a diet anymore Chloe doesn’t feel as restricted, so occasionally indulges her cravings, not a lot mind you, just a little taste here and there.

Even more occasionally Chloe’s will power is completely caught napping and she makes easy work of ploughing through a party sized packet of crisps, a full-on sized bar of chocolate and a bottle or two of wine.

The lost weight begins to pile back on – and with a vengeance.

It’s not because Chloe is weak willed or actually eating ridiculously large amounts of food, she is neither, and these aren’t actually the real cause of the regain. Even if Chloe didn’t slip, or had remained on the ‘Fat Fighters’ plan the weight would’ve still come back on. In fact, studies have shown that people who are on and remain strict (verifiably) to the big commercial weight loss plans begin to gain weight again at the 6-9 month mark, even though they are only eating tiny amounts of food. Why?

Well, Chloe dramatically lowered her metabolism and level of muscle, so she has in effect re-set her metabolism to need less and less energy. Even on a semi-starvation diet Chloe’s body will still register this intake as an excess to requirements. With normal eating, it’s as though Chloe is actually a Glutton.

Chloe starved her body and mind of the nutrients it needed to function, so her body made changes to counter this situation. When the diet stopped the body remained in this state and simply stock piled any excess intake as insurance for any future threats.

So Chloe is now back when she started, except not quite. At the same weight as when she begun, she now carries more fat, feels completely drained and puts on weight at the sight of a celery stick.

Chloe has a few options. The most often chosen option is to return to the diet that set her up in this situation in the first place. This can continue indefinitely with the only result being a more and more unhappy, tired, depressed, frustrated and progressively out of shape Chloe. Chloe could also simply say ‘I give up’ and just learn to accept the negative emotions, and future health problems that her ‘Fat Fighters’ plan has created.

Or, she can once and for all learn to lose weight the right way and join the Lean for Life Group Coaching Program.

If you would like to finally achieve the body of your dreams, then simply click the link provided to discover how the Lean for Life Program works.

And it works, believe me.

Why am I so confident? To be honest, I can’t afford for it not to be. Due to the unique guarantee I offer, I have to be 100% confident in the program, and so should you.

Guarantee? Click the link and find out, you won’t find a guarantee like that anywhere else.

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